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Five Working Mom Hacks to Make Life Less Crazy!

Five Working Mom Hacks to Make Life Less Crazy!
I think every working mom probably feels the same thing. You go through chunks of time thinking, “this is Impossible! Oh, this is Impossible!” And then you just keep going and do the Impossible. Yes, the struggle is real and the juggle is real! Staying organized and planning in advance, helps you stay on top of your game! Sharing here, my deepest darkest secrets here with you lovely ladies- my weapons of mass organization!! Cupik Design has got this “circus” covered, and they’re damn well cute and quirky at that!
  1. Meal Planners: this is the most crucial weapon as it helps you answer the million dollar question –“what should do you want to eat for dinner today?” Girls, I’m telling you, this one really is a blessing from the heavens itself! All you’ve got to do is spare 10-15 mins on a Sunday evening to plan the weekly menu (keeping everyone’s favourites and suggestions in mind, of course) and you have a weekly menu all set, waiting for execution every day. After all, it’s easier to cook a meal than figure out what to cook everyday!
  1. Annual Planner: Now this fantastic creation helps me keep track of everything in my life! Birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, socials, holidays, school reopen days, vaccinations, check-ups, follow ups, you plan it – you put it on it. The best part about having a planner is that once you’ve managed to get the hang of putting everything on it, you don’t need to rack your brains on “what am I forgetting today? Or, I feel like I was supposed to be somewhere today.” This is a gem that can really help get our lives organized Like I say, “If it’s in my planner, it’ll get done!”
  2. Activity planner: Now this is a weekly schedule that mainly focuses on the child/children for a comprehensive list of activities scheduled for them for the week. Between school, classes, play-dates and birthday parties, our children tend to have quite the happening life!
  3. Magnetic List pad: The next on our list of to-dos is the home. Invest in a couple of these to go up on the refrigerator and a magnetic pin-board. As soon as anyone notices that certain supplies in the kitchen or the household are depleting and will soon need to be replenished, they must write it on the list-pad. Items on the list can range anywhere from groceries to toilet paper to glue sticks and printer paper.
  4. Gratitude journal: Because living in a state of gratitude, is a gateway to grace. We often take for granted things that most deserve our gratitude, such as life in itself and this journal keeps me grounded, grateful and growing.
Trust me on these life hacks girls, and I promise you, you will not be disappointed. These are my saviours even in times of emergency or when life takes its own turns, I know exactly what needs to be re-organized or rescheduled and I am always ahead of the game.